As you all know, we at Cookpad are constantly striving to improve our platform and be the best place for someone to save and share your recipes, learn and exchange cooking ideas with others. We try to listen to suggestions/ideas from users which definitely helps us improve our experience. Based on a lot of constructive feedback from you, we are happy to tell you that we are launching our new redesigned Android application with newer look and improved features. We are really excited and hope you will be soon!!!!

When does the App go live?

The release of the new Android app will start on June 24th, but the process will take a few days before everyone gets it. During this time, certain things will not work properly, so we request for little patience and understanding from all of you. We promise to do our best to make a smooth transition! You can contact your community manager Sonia, at at any time to tell us what you think, suggestions or questions!

For the time being, the changes will only affect the Android mobile app, iOS and web will only be updated later. We will communicate separately with you regarding web and iOS.

Let’s see the changes:


The first change is in the menu. Previously there were 5 icons in the menu at the bottom of the screen. From now on, there will be only 3.

  1. Explore
  2. My recipes
  3. Community

1. Explore

This tab is similar to the “Home” tab in the earlier version of the app. This is the main page. Here you can scroll and browse new recipes, recipes from authors you follow etc. There will be no big change here.

Perhaps the most important thing is that we have added emojis under each recipe where by clicking on the small hearts, you can add your own emojis to the recipe.

Alternatively, you can add recipes to our new feature called “Cookplan”. We will write about this feature later in detail.

2. My recipes

Most of the changes in the app are in this section. "My recipes" gives you a summary or a cooking history of your recipes, recipes you have bookmarked and recipes you have cooksnapped.

“Cooked” section contains your cooking history like your own recipes, recipes you have cooksnapped and recipes from others that you have cooked.

“Not yet cooked” section basically contains all your bookmarked recipes or recipes which you haven’t cooked yet. Your bookmarked recipes will be placed in the "Not yet cooked".

So you can now follow exactly what you have cooked and what you have marked with a bookmark, but you haven’t cooked yet.

You can see three squares directly above the menu. This is Cookplan.

Cookplan is a new feature on Cookpad which allows you to plan your next meal or dish. Cookplan’s purpose is to help you plan what you will cook next. It allows you to edit any recipe placed in the Cookplan tray. We want to encourage you to capture the changes you make when cooking. This will help you easily build your own repertoire and confidence.

You can add up to 3 recipes to Cookplan from the recipes or the Explore page. These are the recipes you would like to prepare for your next meal.

Why is it good to put the recipes to be prepared next?

  1. Because you don’t have to search for it , it’s in the app!
  2. You can see one of the recipes selected for cooking next to each other .
  3. Because the 3 recipes you put here are available without internet connection !

You see one horizontal block clearly saying “Add recipe” under Cooked section. Here you can upload a new recipe!

3. Community

The community tab gives you the real community experience. You can access your own settings and your own profile by clicking on your profile picture in the upper right corner. Underneath it, you can see your recipe activity under the Connections menu. The inbox contains the usual admin notifications and messages. Finally, Chat now comes under a separate menu as “Conversations”.

The recipe page

Your basic recipe page also got a new makeover. From the bottom left corner of the main photo , you can add the recipe to the Cookplan, where you can open the recipe without an internet connection and see the full menu you want to make. You do not have to search when you buy ingredients in the shop for example!

Also you can find something called “Cooking log”. A Cooking log is a place where cooks can keep track of their cooking iterations and can have meaningful conversations around specific recipes.

You’ll be able to see if a person “Is Cooking” or if they have “Cooked” that recipe. It is a fun new way to see what’s going on around a recipe.

A cooking log is created on a recipe when a user adds that recipe to their cookplan. It is created with a state of “Is Cooking”.


Q: Where can I find my profile?

Clicking on the Community menu in the footer ⇒ and clicking on your profile picture in the upper-right corner ⇒ then clicking View Profile in the top line

Q: Where can I share / upload a new recipe?

Clicking on the Recipes menu item on the footer and then at the left, you will find a large square box labeled “ Add a recipe”. Click here to upload a recipe.

Q: Where are my recipes shared so far?

On your profile, you and others can see your published recipes. And they can also look for them. In addition, you can find all published and private recipes at the top of the page, in the “Cooked “ list on the My Recipes menu item.

If you have any questions about the new app, just email your Community Manager, Sonia, at . We look forward to your feedback and first experience of using the new app.