Recipe of the Week: Easy Authentic Pasta Carbonara Recipe

Each week, Sonia & Yui cook a recipe shared by one of our Cookpad home cooks, this week our Recipe of the Week was Miss Fluffy’s homemade pasta carbonara recipe.

We can’t stress enough how incredibly easy this dish is to make and how delicious it is when freshly prepared. Simply stir a mixture of eggs and cheese into your cooked pasta and pancetta. The recipe’s author, Angie AKA Miss Fluffy lives in Italy and adores Italian cuisine. She tells us that a traditional carbonara recipe has no added cream, the addition of eggs and parmesan into the pan makes the dish so creamy on it’s own.

There are plenty of easy substitutes for this traditional pasta carbonara recipe. If you can’t find bucatini, simply use regular spaghetti or gluten-free spaghetti. If you can’t find pancetta then bacon lardons or cooking bacon will do just as well. Don’t like parmesan? Simply add any finely grated hard cheese instead.

Sonia and Yui from our Community Team made this pasta carbonara recipe live on our Cookpad UK Facebook page on Monday 25th January. If you missed it, watch the recording below (Sonia demonstrates a gluten-free and dairy-free version of this recipe in the video).

You can find the full ingredients list and carbonara recipe here.

We hope you make it too!, don’t forget to let us know how it turned out!If you love home cooking and are not part of our friendly home cooking community yet, create your free account today at and enjoy cooking with other home cooks around the world.

First stop? This simple and delicious pasta carbonara recipe!!