Each week in March, Sonia & Yui from our Community Team will be making one recipe from our community home cooks, live on Facebook.

Join us on our Cookpad UK Facebook page at 11am every Monday to watch the dish made in real-time. Cook along with Sonia & Yui, ask questions and learn some new everyday dishes.

March 2021 Facebook Cooking Schedule:

Monday March 1st 11am - We will be making FoodieGeekTrish’s Overnight Oats and Natalie’s Peanut Butter, Peach & Berry Baked Oats.

Monday March 18th 11am - We will be making Sonia Duthie’s Chocolate Brownies. This fudgy recipe us made using black beans, dark chocolate and treacle, we can't wait to try it!

Monday March 15th 11am - We will be making Hiroko’s favourite Scones recipe as part of our Mother's Day feature celebrating the Great British classic cream tea.

Monday March 22nd 11am - We will be making mrslovegoodfood’s Wild Garlic Pesto as part of our Cookpad Wild Garlic foraging weekend.

Monday March 29th 11am - We will be making Beth’s Iced Easter Biscuits as we start preparations for another Easter at home.