Introducing Cookpad 1.2!

Hello, kitchen friends!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager here to tell you about some exciting new changes coming to Cookpad.

Over the next few weeks, you'll be seeing lots of new tools and features to maximize your time in the kitchen and to encourage all of us to learn and grow as cooks with each new recipe, whether that recipe is ours or someone else's.

You'll see a few of the new changes effective Tuesday, June 25, 2019, and other improvements will follow over the next several weeks, but the main idea is that Cookpad is now going to enable us to:

  • make Cookplans where we can select recipes to put in our cooking queue, as well as keep track of all of the recipes we've already cooked
  • enhance communication (Community section) between recipe authors and cooks so we can all benefit from the knowledge base of the Cookpad community


When you open the app, the first change you'll see is your feed.

The lower navigation bar options have changed to "Explore," "My Recipes," and "Community" where you will now find these new features:

  • You can follow people who publish recipes directly from the feed by pressing the  "Follow" button that appears next to their username.
  • You can like and react to a recipe by clicking the heart with plus sign icon that appears above its photo. There you'll find a variety of emojis to express your appreciation.
  • Comments will now go in the Community section in the navigation bar where you can discuss specific recipes.
  • You can search recipes and people by clicking the magnifying glass icon that appears above the screen to the right.


The '+' button to add a new recipe that used to be in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen can now be found in "My Recipes" on the far left under the Cooked section.

If you'd like to publish a new recipe, go to "My Recipes," "Cooked" section, and click "Add Recipe."

When you click "Add Recipe" the usual recipe template will open.


Your Cookplan is exactly that - a queue of 3 recipes, including your own recipes and others' recipes you've bookmarked - that you plan to cook. When you click "Add to Plan," that adds a recipe to this 3 recipe queue.

Note: There is a maximum of 3 recipes in the Cookplan.

If you already have 3 recipes in your Cookplan and would like to change one out, you can delete 1 by clicking the 'x' in the upper right corner of the recipe image and then click "Add to Plan" on the new recipe you wish to add.

If you're only partially done with a recipe, whether it's writing your own recipe or cooking someone else's, not to worry! It'll be kept suspended in your My Recipes page.

- If it's your own recipe that you're writing, it'll appear under the Cooked section as a draft recipe.
- If it's someone else's recipe that's in your Cookplan, it'll stay in your Cookplan until you click "Cooked."

Once you have cooked a recipe, press the orange "Cooked" button and you will always have it in your "Cooked Recipes" section in "My Recipes."

You can also see all the recipes that you have bookmarked in the "Not Yet Cooked" section in "My Recipes."


The "Community" section in the lower navigation bar of the screen is where you can now interact and communicate with other Cookpad users.

In Community you will find a list of people who are cooking your recipes, and you can comment and interact with them from there.

In the Conversations section you can always chat with other users in the Community even if they're not currently cooking one of your recipes.


For the time being, you won't see your stats like you used to, but rest assured they still exist and we're working on ways to make them available to you again in more meaningful ways. In the meantime, we would really like to foster an environment of mutual encouragement and cooperation among our community where the focus is getting all of us to love, and learn from, the cooking process - together!


Notifications, can now be found under "Community." In "Inbox" you will see messages from admin, people who follow you, and other notifications related to your profile in Cookpad.

In the "Connections" section, you will now find everything related to the actions that other people have taken with your recipes (saved, viewed).

And that covers the first round of changes! More will follow in the coming weeks, and we'll keep you posted.

As always, the best way to get familiar with the changes is just to get in and play around. Feel free to browse, push buttons, see what they do and where they take you.

If you have any questions or comments, or need assistance with the app or site, please let me know. I'm happy to help.

Looking forward to all of us becoming better (and happier) cooks together! :)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Community Manager,

Shinae :)
Cookpad profile: