Before I start emphasizing on the importance of a good recipe photo I
would like to ask you a simple question:

Which picture makes you bake and eat a cake right away??



Definitely the first picture !!!!

And that is exactly why its important to take good pictures or clear
pictures when you are putting up recipes . Pictures speak a thousand
words. A user when he is looking to recreate a certain recipe will tend
to follow a recipe which has a good image and clear recipe steps. Taking
attractive picture of your recipe is not very difficult. There are just
few points you have to keep in mind when you put up a recipe image :

Neutral Background:

Its always preferable to use a neutral background while taking a picture
of the dish. If the background is too colourful or bright it will take
away the focus from your dish. Given below is a reference image :

Collage is never an option :

Collage is not used to make a dish attractive . It will take away the
focus from your recipe . So always avoid putting up collages as recipe
image. Given below is a reference image :

Avoid watermarks :

Bold watermarks like recipe title or name on the image makes the recipe
look unattractive . If you want to put watermark make it a point on
write it in small letters below the dish. Given below is a reference
image of how you can add the watermark in a recipe image.

Emoticons and Blurred images :

When you a put the recipe image avoid using emoticons on it because it
distracts the user from the dish itself and looks unprofessional .

Avoid putting blurred images as cover photos as it makes the dish look
unattractive. You can take a look at this article for easy tips to take
a good picture:

Tips for Writing a Perfect

One tip which you can always fall back on is :

White always works:

If you are not sure about how to make the picture look nice you can
always opt for white background. If possible take your pictures in
natural sunlight. But a simple tip would be put the dish in transparent
or white containers or use a white background . White will help you
highlight the dish . Given below is a good reference image of a recipe
in white background.

A good and clear recipe photo will always be liked easily by users and
you will get a lot of followers on Cookpad. If you have any doubts or
suggestions on recipe images you can write to us at

Till then keep sharing recipes, keep cooking. Enjoy Cookpad