As a tribute to all the fabulous home chefs on Cookpad India
community, we are excited to announce our new interview series
"Chronicles of the Home Chef" where we will feature all the
amazing home chefs who make the Cookpad community stronger and bigger.

To kick off the series I'm happy to start with a gorgeous lady who is
managing her home and at the same time carving a place for herself in
the Cookpad community with much ease. The shy, talented and
extremely dedicated home chef Madhuri
has recently completed
the 100 recipe milestone within few months. She tells us what
Cookpad means to her and how it has inspired her to cook more.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and what does cooking mean to you?

Born and brought up in Nagpur from a very early age I was fascinated
with the idea of cooking. I followed my mother around trying to grasp
the magic that she created in the kitchen . Being a Telugu Brahmin ,
food was a very integral part of our household. I travelled a lot with
my husband which helped me learn and cook various cuisines.

What inspired you to join Cookpad ?

I always wanted to share my recipes but just wasn't sure which place
would be apt for it. A friend encouraged me to join ***Cookpad ***. Once
i started writing there was just no end to it. Cookpad became my
cooking diary which helped my husband when he was abroad. If he wanted
to cook he would just go through my recipes on Cookpad. One day i am
hoping that my children will be able to do the same so I keep posting

Are you using the Cookpad app or website? How much time do you take to post a recipe?

I use the website because I find it more convenient to upload pictures.
I also have the app because its more handy if sometimes I don't have
access to my computer. I generally take 15 to 20 minutes because i like
to post pictures of every cooking step.

Instant RawMango Chutney

Prior to Cookpad how did you find your recipes. Is there a favourite blogger or website you follow for inspiration?

I would just google whatever dish I had in mind. But mostly i would turn
to Vahchef


Do you use social media to share recipes?

Prior to Cookpad I didn't, but now through Cookpad I share
it on Facebook. I also have a Facebook page now which I maintain its
called Mesmerising Tastes
by Madhuri

Do you know what are Cooksnaps? Have you ever received or posted any Cooksnaps for recipes?

Yes I get a lot of Cooksnaps for my recipes and it feels good to
know that people are not just reading but also trying to recreate my
recipes. I also post Cooksnaps but not very often.

How often did you post when you started off on Cookpad as opposed to now?

Before I use to post one recipe in a week. Slowly i started gaining a
lot of followers and appreciation from people across the world which
just motivated me to cook and write more. Now I post two to three in
a week.

How do you plan your post on Cookpad? Is it planned well in advance or is it spontaneous?

I don't really plan but I make it a point to post at least two to three
recipes in a week .

Does posting recipe with picture help ? Do you spend time on food styling? Which device do you use to click pictures of your recipe?

It definitely helps because it makes the recipe look appealing. I have
started food styling now so it takes me about an hour to make it look
good. I use a DSLR to take pictures of the food.

Do you feel motivated looking at statistics?

Yes definitely it helps me know how many people are reading my post,
which post has received maximum visits, etc...

Any message you have for Cookpad users?

Keep cooking because your recipes are helping someone cook and live a
healthier life.

Do you have feedback for Cookpad?

No i love it they way it is :)

Thank you Madhuri for taking the time to share your story with the
Cookpad community.

So there you have it! Madhuri Bulusu tells us what Cookpad
means to her. Women like her who believe in the Cookpad mission
and are helping us get there is why we are striving to make this world a
healthier place one step at a time . If you have any questions for
Madhuri or would like to know anything in specific, don't forget to
reach out to us on

Till then keep sharing recipes, keep cooking. Enjoy Cookpad