Checkout our redesigned in-built chat feature available on Android Cookpad app!

**Why You should use Cookpad chat on app?
**This is the most authentic and active communication channel for
discussing recipes and food.
On this chat platform you can help each other by asking question on
recipes and food, you can share images and you can create as many groups
as you want.
You may want to discuss about what to make for dinner, you can do that
by initiating chat with the ones you admire on Cookpad and also you can
make a group in which you can add all the like minded people and discuss
(like Whatsapp groups). Isn't it cool!

How You Can Easily Connect to people and communicate-

Open your Cookpad App you can search any recipes and your feed has 3
tabs Activity, Trending, Nearby where you can see many recipes, also if
you have some query or you want to connect to an author, you can
directly message them, for that you have click on messenger icon on the
top left.

1. How you can start chatting -

a. You can Start New conversation by clicking on + sign

b. You can search all your conversations or chats here,

c. You can also see all the chat invitations if you have any.

d. You can directly click through to all invites and number of invites
is also displayed.

e. Also last unread invite is displayed in red,You can easily see all
the chat history also in the latest order, latest one at the top and
so on.

2. Once you click on the invitations you can accept/ignore new invites.

a. Inviter the person who has send you request can send invite with
some message.

b. You can't reply to the inviter untill you accept the invite( in
orange colour)

c. Once you accept the invite this chat will be seen in top of the
recent chats

d. If you dont want to talk to that person you can simply ignore the
invite and invitation will be removed from the list

Note --- Also if by accident you have clicked to ignore button but you
want to chat with that person and you can search for the user in the
search tab.

3. Now you can control your conversations. You can mute groups like you do in whatsapp Conversation details -

a. Follow button will promt- If You want to follow that user you can
click on follow button.

b. If some user is bothering you, You can directly click on that person
profile and go to controls and you have a power to block/report someone.

c. Block button will stop users by sending you messages.

d. Report button will stop user from sending you messages + report
conversation will be send to admin.

4. New Groups --- Now you can easily make new groups . Also you can add upto 100 members in a group.

a. You can see display of people you have added also you can search any
one you want to add in the group you can select them, once you have
added people you can click on start and your group will me created.

b. Also at the bottom Invite your friends tab is there you can click and
send to your friends on Facebook, Gmail, Whatsapp to join this group.

5. Now you can change your group name, follow group members and add new members to the group form the single page itself. Seamless experience.

Group Controls --- Change group name easily, You can also leave the
group by clicking on the leave conversation button.

Enjoy this cool new updates of an awesome feature. Keep sharing more
recipes. If you have any feedbacks and suggestions do share.
Enjoy Cookpad !

Stay tuned for more Updates.
Start chatting on Cookpad where we are making everyday cooking fun.