Ragi, also known as finger millet or nachani, is a highly nutritious grain. We will delve into the health benefits of ragi, explore its various forms such as ragi flour, sprouted ragi, and more, and share some delicious ragi recipes that can be easily incorporated into your daily diet. Additionally, we will address any concerns related to its consumption, ensuring you can enjoy this superfood to its fullest potential.

Ragi is a nutritional powerhouse

  • Dietary Fiber: Promotes healthy digestion and helps in managing weight.
  • Protein: Essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Calcium: Crucial for bone health, especially beneficial for those avoiding dairy.
  • Iron: Important for oxygen transport in the body, combating anemia.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Rich in B vitamins (especially niacin, B6, and folic acid), magnesium, and zinc.
  • Antioxidants: It contains essential antioxidants that help in combating oxidative stress.

Ragi-Based Summer Recipes

Ragi, also, has natural cooling properties, making it an ideal food for the summer months. It helps in maintaining body temperature and preventing heat-related ailments.

Ragi Malt Recipe by Suruchi (Dr. Ruchi Sharma)
Good for women and kids.

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Ragi porridge ЁЯег Recipe by Travel with Hena
#Nov#W1 #Ragi porridge #healthy recipe #cookpad

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Ragi flour and makhana smoothie Recipe by Kalpana Rai
#ML Ragi is rich in protein and calcium.It is good to include in our meals.Healthy and tasty treat is always welcome!I have made it with ragi flour,makhana, sesame seeds,dates, walnuts,raisins and almonds .Loaded with protein,calcium, iron etc.,itтАЩs taste is yum!
Ragi Raab (Finger Millet Porridge) by Asmita Rupani

Comparison with Other Millets and Grains

Compared to other millets like jowar (sorghum) and bajra (pearl millet), ragi stands out for its calcium and fiber content. When compared to grains like wheat and rice, ragi offers a lower glycemic index, making it a better choice for diabetic individuals. It helps in controlling blood sugar levels by releasing glucose slowly into the bloodstream, thus preventing sudden spikes.

Different Forms and Uses of Ragi

Ragi Flour

Ragi Flour Dhokla Recipe by Daxa Parmar
#WS #week5 #ragiflour #CookpadIndia Ragi, also known as Finger Millet or Nachni, is an African grain that has long been grown in Uganda and Ethiopia. Ragi flour can also be made by sprouting, drying, and grinding the grains. The Instant Ragi Dhokla Recipe is a healthy preparation of the traditional тАж
Ragi Mix Flour Muthiya Recipe by Suchitra S(Radhika S)
#Feb #Week2 Muthiya is healthy and tasty recipe, prepared using mix flours with ragi .

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Sprouted Ragi

Sprouting ragi enhances its nutritional value, making it easier to digest and increasing its bioavailability of nutrients. Sprouted ragi can be used in salads, porridges, and snacks.

Check how to sprout ragi:

Sprouted Ragi Recipe by Swati Sheth
#goldenapron23 #week5 #sprouted ragi #cookpad

Sprouted ragi recipes:

Sprouted Ragi Flour Dosa Recipe by Shital Muranjan
#GoldenApron23 #week18 #sproutedragiflour
Sprouted ragi masala khichdi Recipe by Vibha Mahendra Champaneri
Healthy and tasty.Full of protein and calcium in this recipe. #playoff #goldenapron23 #week5
Ragi Sprouts, Fresh Coconut, Jaggery Sweets Recipe by Dr.Madhumita Mishra
#goldenapron23 #week5 #ragisprouts Here, I have prepared a sweet recipe with homemade ragi sprouts, powdered jaggery, fresh grated coconut. I have added choco chips and sprinkle to enhance the taste and to be enjoyable for children.

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Ragi Powder

Ragi powder can be quickly incorporated into various recipes, from porridges to smoothies. It's a convenient way to add nutrition to your diet without extensive preparation.

Sprouted ragi powder soup Recipe by NishaтАЩs Cookpad & More
#goldenapron23 #week5 #soups #winterseason Healthy and tasty sprouted ragi vegetable soup.

Ragi seeds

Whole ragi khichdi Recipe by prutha Kotecha Raithataha
#goldenapron2023 #week23 #wholeragi
Whole Ragi Neer Dosa Recipe by Shital Jataniya
#goldenapron23 #week23 #wholeragi

Get all Ragi seed recipes

Popular Ragi Recipes

Ragi Dosa

Ragi Adai dosai Recipe by Lakshmi Sridharan Ph D
# ML Though small in size finger millet grains are loaded with healthy nutrients-- protein, vitamins B6, K, mineral sand also rich in fiber. It controls blood sugar, hence good especially for diabetic patients. It is also good for people with high blood pressure. I added veggies and spices to batterтАж
Whole Ragi Dosa Recipe by Crazy Cookie
#goldenapron23 #week23 #wholeragi

Check all ragi dosa recipes

Ragi Mudde

Ragi mudde/Ragi ball Recipe by Anitha (Annie)
#tech1 Ragi mudde(finger millet) is, a karnataka dish, prepared from water being boiled, and adding ragi flour, flavoured with ghee ,shaped in to balls, it can be served with any curry but it tastes best with chicken curry/bassaru/uppesru,it has numerous health benefits.
Ragi Mudde With Carrots Sambar & Idli Dosa Chutney Recipe by Manisha Malvi Angaitkar
#cookpad #cookpadindia #southindiandish Ragi means finger millet and mudde means balls. This is a very healthy dish of millet, served with sambar, chutney or any curry. Here in this preparation process first boil water and then add millet flour, cook for some time, dough will be formed then give a rтАж

Check all Ragi mudde recipes

Nachni (Ragi) Roti

Ragi Matar Roti with a hint of Kasoori Methi Recipe by Swagatika
ItтАЩs a great way to have multi grain rotis with the flavours of winter fresh green peas and aroma of kasoori methi. Process of making rotis is same as the regular rotis but with added flavours and goodness. #WS #week5
Ragi Roti. Recipe by rama
#BCR #ragiroti #cooksnap #cookpadindia #cookpadenglish #simplecooking Thanks to Ms Hena from Travel with Hena.. A nice healthy breakfast dish..

Check all ragi roti recipes

Ragi Laddu

Ragi coconut laddoos Recipe by Vijeta @myfancyflair
Ragi in any form is a must to consume during winter season.It has immense health benefits.I recall feeding my children ragi and jaggery porridge when they were infant.Starting good food introduction to kids early in life helps develop a taste for it which they will treasure long in life. #win #week7тАж
Ragi ladoo Recipe by Pranjal Kotkar
#mysteryboxchallenge #boxweek14 #Ragi Finger millet, also known as Ragi/Nachni in India, Kodo in Nepal, is an annual herbaceous ( medicinal) plant widely grown as a cereal/grain crop in arid and semi-arid parts of Africa and Asia. Ragi is a whole grain that is rich in fiber which helps in weight losтАж

Check more ragi laddu recipes

Sprouted Ragi Flour Recipes

Sprout Ragi cutlets Recipe by Ankita Tank Parmar
#Goldenapron23 #week5 Finger Millet, also known as Ragi. It is an excellent source of natural calcium which helps in strengthening bones for growing children and aging people. I made sprouts ragi cutlets. This recipe is so easy,tasty and healthy.
Sprouted Ragi flour laddu Recipe by Crazy Cookie

Check all Sprouted Ragi Flour Recipes

Ragi Idli

Ragi Idli Recipe by Suruchi (Dr. Ruchi Sharma)
Instant ragi idli recipe- made with ragi flour.
Ragi Idli by Madhumita Bishnu

Check More Ragi idli recipes

Some individuals may experience mild allergies or sensitivities to ragi, particularly if they are sensitive to other grains.

Ragi contains high levels of dietary fiber, which may cause digestive issues such as bloating or gas, especially if consumed in large quantities. To mitigate this, gradually introduce ragi into your diet and ensure adequate hydration.

Individuals with kidney stones or oxalate sensitivity should consume ragi in moderation due to its moderate oxalate content, which could exacerbate these conditions if consumed excessively.

Ragi does contain substances that can potentially affect thyroid function. For individuals with thyroid issues, it is advisable consulting with a healthcare provider or a nutritionist for personalized advice.