Time to get on with week 3. Each one holding a unique story of flavor and tradition.

Do not limit yourself, explore and have fun! We hope you find more amazing ideas and invent new things that you will be proud of and enjoy with family.

Now let's explore them one by one 👇

Jackfruit (ripe)

Ripe jackfruit is a large, tropical fruit with a sweet and distinctive flavor. When fully ripe, it has a pleasant aroma and turns golden-yellow, with a softer texture than unripe jackfruit. The ripe jackfruit pods are juicy, sweet, and have a subtle tropical taste. In India, ripe jackfruit is enjoyed in various delicious ways. It can be consumed fresh as a sweet and juicy fruit, used in fruit salads, or blended into smoothies and milkshakes. Ripe jackfruit is also used to make mouthwatering desserts like jackfruit halwa, jackfruit ice cream, and jackfruit payasam (kheer). It's a cherished seasonal delicacy that captures the essence of the Indian summer.

Caramelised Jackfruit Semolina Cake by Mamata Nayak

Kavuni rice (black rice)

Kavuni rice, also known as black rice or forbidden rice, is a unique and rare variety native to certain regions in India. It has a distinctive dark purple-black color and is prized for its nutty flavor and slightly chewy texture. Traditionally grown in the southern parts of India, Kavuni rice is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. In Indian cuisine, it is used to prepare special dishes like Kavuni arisi payasam (a black rice pudding), Kavuni rice dosa (crepes), and Kavuni rice idlis (steamed rice cakes) etc. It is also used as a base for savory dishes and served as a delicacy during festive occasions.

Black rice kheer by Puspita Bhutia

Cheese spread

Cheese spread is a creamy and smooth dairy product made from blending cheese with other ingredients like cream, butter, and seasonings. Cheese is a solid dairy product made from curdled milk, while cheese spread is a processed cheese product that has been emulsified to have a spreadable texture. It has a rich and savory taste, making it a popular choice for spreading on bread, crackers, or as a dip for snacks. It is commonly used as a sandwich spread, paired with vegetables or cold cuts. It can also be used as a base for pizza toppings or mixed into pasta dishes for added creaminess. Cheese spread is a versatile and flavorful addition to many Indian recipes, enhancing the taste of both traditional and modern dishes. You can make cheese spread at home or buy.

Puff Pastry by ayndrila dutta


Karonda, also known as Natal Plum or Carissa carandas, is a small berry-like fruit native to India. It has a tart and tangy taste, often compared to cranberries. The fruit is small, round, and green when unripe, turning to a deep red or purple when ripe. In India, karonda is used to prepare various dishes. It is commonly made into pickles or chutneys, providing a zesty accompaniment to meals. Karonda is also used to make sweet and sour sauces, and its juice is sometimes used as a natural food colorant or flavoring agent in certain regional cuisines.

In different regions of India, karonda is known by various names, such as: Hindi: करोंदा (Karonda), Marathi: करवंद (Karvand), Gujarati: કરંદા (Karanda), Bengali: করণ্ডা (Karanda), Tamil: காரண்டா (Karanda).

Karonda pickle by Linima Chudgar

Banana Stem

Banana stem, also known as plantain stem or banana blossom, is the tender, fibrous, and cylindrical part of the banana plant. It is rich in nutrients and has a mild flavor. In India, banana stem is used in various culinary preparations. It is commonly used to make salads like "Vazhaithandu Kootu" in Tamil Nadu and "Kerala Style Vazhapindi Thoran" in Kerala. Additionally, it is used to make refreshing beverages like "Banana Stem Juice" and "Banana Stem Buttermilk" in different regions of the country.

Banana stem curry in mustard paste by Samiksha Nayak

Join the Marathon by July end! Explore the ingredients, new ideas and have fun 👇