#GoldenApron23: Week 6 🍦🍝

Embark on a flavorful journey as we unveil the ingredients for the week. These ingredients will ignite your creativity. From the exotic and unfamiliar to the tried-and-true with a twist. Get ready to explore, experiment, and craft delectable delights that showcase your culinary prowess. It's time to let these ingredients inspire your culinary masterpieces and elevate your cooking game!

Each of these ingredients brings unique character to our cuisine, adding variety and innovation to traditional and modern dishes alike.

Proso Millet:
Also known as common millet or broomcorn millet, Proso millet is a versatile grain with a mild, nutty flavor. Its' one of the smallest millet but bigger than little millet. It's gluten-free and rich in nutrients. It's used to make dishes like "Bisi Bele Bath" (a South Indian rice and lentil dish) or "Millet Khichdi" (a savory porridge). In different regions of India, it's known as "chena" or "barri" in Hindi, "cheno" in Gujarati, "cheena" in bengali and "Panivaragu" in Tamil.

Burnt garlic methi bath by Usha V Bhat

Fettuccine Pasta:
Fettuccine is a type of flat pasta, wider than linguine and narrower than tagliatelle. In India, it's often used to prepare creamy Alfredo pasta, mixed with various sauces like tomato-based marinara or spinach-based sauces, and often paired with vegetables and proteins.

Creamy Alfredo with fettuccine by Linsiyapatrao

Ice-Cream Cones:
Ice-cream cones are crispy and edible vessels to hold scoops of ice cream. They are commonly enjoyed with flavors like vanilla, chocolate, and fruit-based ice creams. They can also be filled with traditional Indian sweets or adapted to local flavors.

Chocolate Oreo milkshake by Rajani Comfortfood
Cherry Ice Cream by Madhumita Bishnu

Jackfruit Flour:
Jackfruit flour is made from dried and ground jackfruit seeds. It's a gluten-free and nutrient-rich flour used in various Indian recipes. It's used to make dishes like "Jackfruit Flour Roti" or "Jackfruit Curry" etc.

Chocolate walnut whey protein cake with jackfruit flour by Noopur Yeravdekar - Gowande

Basa Fish:
Basa fish is a freshwater fish with tender white flesh. It's used in a variety of seafood preparations, such as "Basa Fish Curry" or "Basa Fish Fry" etc.

Chilli fish with basa by Gouri Basak Ghosh

Share your recipes with these ingredients, discover new ideas and have fun 👇