One of the most abundant fruits available in the UK in autumn are apples, and our community are overloaded with a glut of them! To help find delicious ways to use them up, we have collated a selection of delicious apple recipes - there are plenty to choose from, our Cookpad home cooks have shared over 7,000 apple recipes!

Here are our favourites, and if you cook one of these recipes, don’t forget to take a Cooksnap of the finished dish and let the author know what you thought. Sharing Cooksnaps helps other cooks in the community decide which recipes to cook, and they provide valuable feedback to the original cook who posted the recipe.

Cinnamon Crumble Chocolate Brownies by TheBattlingBaker

Apple and Ginger Cake by Livvy

Apple and Blackberry Crumble by Claireywads

Apple Strudel by Panda.s

Apple & Blackberry Cake (Sharlotka) by Mummybot

Apple and Chilli Chutney by Mimie

If you cook an apple recipe featured in this blog post, or any other apple recipe shared by our Cookpad home cooking community, don't forget to take a photo and share it as a Cooksnap on the recipe. We love to see photos from your kitchens around the world!