Tips for taking Photos Using ANY Phone.

One of the most common mistakes and the most easiest thing to correct
while taking photos and in your quest for taking better quality photos
of the amazing recipes you are making at home is this. Try as much as
possible to not use flash! And the best light is natural light without
too much direct sunlight. Filtered light coming in from a window or door
is really the best thing!

Always place the plate/bowl or dish next to a door on the floor or a
window on a temporary table and take photos. You can always edit the
photo later but light being there is the most important GIFT you can
give to your photo of your dish. The light captures the food in all its
beauty. (if you are shooting a photo during the day).

If you are doing something in the evening then make sure the light is
not too close to the bowl so that there some places which are over
bright. And make sure its white light and not too yellow --- because
yellow light leeches all the natural colour and plays havoc with your
actual colour of your food on the plate.

Here are some SIMPLE tricks we LIKE! And want to share with you all!

You can browse through these
inspiration: Seems like Pinterest gives you the goosebumps when you look
at photos which also gives you a lot of points on how to style a dish!
Just by observing! Just look at some good photos and try and see what
you have in your kitchen that can be used while you are prepping
your plate.

A clean and dry single coloured plate against another plain background
just works wonders as a starter tip! If you have any colour in your food
to be captured.

If you do have a plain background and your phone is not that high in
camera quality then you can take the picture from a distance and then
add some artistic touches like sprinkling some grains of rice against a
dark background of the table or the table cloth.

A white bowl and white background also works very well.

You can zoom into the picture like this. Click the area on your
phone screen right on top of the bowl so it focuses on the bowl and lets
go of the other elements to remain in the background.

Spend some time on your phone and understand what all features your
camera has.

> How to increase or decrease brightness, crop the photo, or even use
the focus of the camera lens to your advantage.

> How to possibly edit the photo after taking it so that you can make
small changes to the photo before uploading on

> how to even add a filter if you think that looks good? (You have to
scroll through all the filters that your phone already has and if you
want more then find an app that offers you more options!) But the good
part is: You get to play around a lot with every different feature until
you find one which you really like vs. the ones that don't really appeal
to you.

These videos might help!

Also Remember --- Less is More! And Clean bowls and plates are amazing!

Don't over style or add too many props!

Adding colour --- just on the side is adding so much additional value to
your picture. And makes it so visually appealing!

Apart from all of this: We also found an older article written by the
wonderful writer Ramya Menon here!

How To Take Better Food Photographs with your Smartphone and

Happy Reading! And we will wait to see your new and more amazing food
pictures along with your home-made recipes on