Christmas Cooking Tips: Share Your Knowledge! 🎄 Use our new Tips feature to help other home cooks this Christmas
Let's Learn: Steaming This week our technique is… steaming! It is easy to think that steaming is a bit boring, but it is such a diverse technique, and an amazing way to make
Let's Learn: Baking 🍰 This week we have turned our attention to baking on Cookpad. Often thought to be simple, there’s actually a lot more to baking than meets the eye! Cakes...cookies.
Cookpad’s Festive Frolics Schedule! 🎄 Cookpad's 2020 Christmas cooking schedule, lots of fun festive cooking sessions for you to join! Let's cook together at home this Christmas.
Let's Learn: Grilling! It is easy to think that grilling is a technique reserved for the summer, when barbecue season is truly upon us. At Cookpad we want to prove grilling is diverse
Let’s Learn: Earn Your Cookpad Certificate on Cooking Techniques! 🎓 Learn new cooking techniques with Cookpad. Join our 6 week course with a new cooking technique each week. Cook a weekly recipe to get your Cookpad Cooking Techniques certificate!
Let's Learn: Slow Cooking! Learning how to slow cook is perfect for this time of year, when the nights are drawing in and we need more hearty, home cooked comfort food. Slow cooking enhances
Cookpad’s Pumpkin Rescue Mission Join us to help save the Halloween pumpkins from waste! We have zero waste pumpkin recipes using every part of the pumpkin, plus share your own recipe ideas!
Learn Five New Budget Family Recipes For Your Meal Plan! Looking for family meals on a budget? Learn 5 easy, tasty and cheap recipes that you can add to your weekly meal plans. Full step by step instructions provided.
Easy Budget Apple Sponge Cake Recipe 🍏 This foolproof apple sponge cake recipe from Sarah Winkle is tried and tested by our home cooks! Full recipe & video tutorial, gluten free and dairy free options provided.
Let’s Learn: How To Ferment! Making sourdough bread has been a phenomenal activity this year in many parts of the world. People turned to alternative ingredients in times of food shortage or as a new
Level Up & Get Your Next Badge On Cookpad! Join our Cookpad UK community and get cooking to fill your online recipe book and start earning kitchen badges. The more experienced you become, the more badges you are awarded. Become a Masterchef in your home kitchen with Cookpad!
Easy Fish Pie Recipe for Everyday Meal Plans Learn to cook this easy fish pie recipe with us. Cook along with Sonia as she explains each step, then add tasty fish pie to your weekly meal plans.
Budget Sausage Casserole Recipe for Family Dinners Add a new recipe to your weekly meal rota! Learn to make this tasty budget sausage casserole recipe with us. It is a super family-friendly recipe to add to your weekly meal rota. Recipe and cookalong video provided.
Simple Affordable Cooking in The Cookpad Zoom Kitchen Cooking a variety of affordable and wholesome meals every day is a challenge most of us face in our home kitchens. Many of us are lacking in time, yet we
E-MAGAZINE #CLICK Week 2: BE THE FIRST 🥇 Here is our second e-magazine featuring the week 2 #click cooksnaps taken by our community home cooks. Thank you to everyone who shared a cooksnap in Week 2. Find out
E-MAGAZINE #CLICK Week 1: SAVE IT COOK IT 🍳 Here is our first e-magazine featuring the #click-week1 cooksnaps taken by our community home cooks. Thank you to everyone who shared a cooksnap in Week 1. Find out the Week
Downloads Student recipe Ebook 🎓 Home cooking recipes for the students in our lives! Cheap, filling and tasty.
#CLICK Cooksnap Extravaganza 📸 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words! 📸 Your Cooksnaps are very important for anyone who loves to cook! Cooksnaps share joy and encourage our cooks to share more and more
The Photos That Say Thank You & Encourage Others To Cook! 📸 Cooksnap photos are at the heart of our unique home cooking community ❤️ What is more gratifying than sitting at the table with a dish of your own freshly cooked homemade
Meet The New ‘You’ Tab, The Tab All About… You! After last week's update Cookpad has a new look, plus more features and categories to enhance your experience. Let’s take a look at the ‘You’ tab in some more
Exciting Changes On Cookpad! From this week, when you visit Cookpad, you’ll notice a few changes which will make it easier to find our most important features and improve your overall experience with
Our New Search Tab Makes Deciding What To Cook Simple! After our update on the 3rd of August you might have noticed Cookpad has a new look! It might take some getting used to, but we are sure you will
Cookpad Community Spotlight: Meet Lyndsey The Cozy Kitchen "There is no love sincerer than the love of food" A quote that rings true in my household and I believe in many a home across the world. To me,
Join Us On A Global Food Tour This Summer! Become a food tourist and join Cookpad on a global food tour this summer!